Tuesday, May 5, 2009

On Having 4...at Home

Previously I posted about being out in public with 4 kids. Perhaps you're curious as to what it's like at home with 4 kids?

Again, for the past 4 days, I've been going it alone while my sweet husband and their adoring daddy is away. That may taint this post a bit.

In some ways, it's no big deal. When I was pregnant with Katie several people promised, "Oh, it's just one more kid. There's no big change from two to three." That was an evil lie! We had a big adjustment going from two to three. Three to four, on the other hand, I can see the "just one more kid" logic.

There are logistical changes. Bathtime has changed. Laundry has changed (we had a lot before, we have a lot now; maybe, on second thought, laundry hasn't changed that much--Eric and I have laundry day down to a science...ha!). The noise level in our house has changed. The noise level in our van has changed. The condition of our house has changed. The amount of milk/juice we go through has changed. All those changes are fairly easy to deal with.

In other ways, it's a big deal. We have a bathroom in the hallway off of our kitchen. It frequently is used for potty breaks and trips to wash hands throughout the day. The number of times I say, "Go turn the light off in the bathroom and close the door," is nothing short of unbelievable! I've been tempted this week to unscrew the light bulbs and take the door of the hinges. Seriously!

Discipline, as always, is a challenge. Our little man has reached the comfort level of pushing limits to see what he can get away with. Lots and lots of time outs! For our little ladies too, I should add. It's as if they think, "Something's different...wonder if Mom will react the same way she always has?" She does, in case you were wondering! We've had our post-time out conversation so many times in the past few days that they answer my questions before I even finish them:

Me: Why are you in time...
Them: Because I chose to disobey.
Me: What does the Bible...
Them: ChildrenobeyyourparentsintheLordforthisisright.
Me: So you chose...
Them: Wrong, not right.
Me: And when you disobey me...
Them: I also disobey God.
Me: So you need to tell me...
Them: Sorry for disobeying.
Me: And you...
Them: Yep, need to do a little talking to God.

Beginning to wonder if I'm being effective at this point. Praying that the words they're hearing, memorizing, and reciting are somehow reaching their hearts. You all know that multiple time outs a day from one child is challenging mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, etc. Multiply by that by three.

There are also a lot more things to multiply by three and four...kisses, hugs, I love you's, giggles, blown kisses, smiles, belly laughs, snuggles, lullibies...toys, messes, accidents, juice cups, arguements, snacks...winks, I love you's in sign language, tickles, sibling hugs and kisses, pictures colored, love given...bowls of cereal, hot dogs to cut, chocolate milks to mix, socks to pick up, shoes to put away, fingerprints to clean off, booties to wipe...I could go on like this for a while...

1 comment:

Beth Monty said...

i needed that last paragraph...there is sooo much good..thanks for the reminder.