Thursday, January 5, 2012

A Post with NO Pictures!

I've had this nagging problem all week.


Such a catch 22 for me -- I love doing it, but, seriously, it's hard with so much going on.

Every December, I determine to be faithful in updating so that I don't get to the end of the month with nothing documented.

Obviously, I failed.


So, back to my problem -- catching up!

I'd resolved myself to just slowly catching up, as time allowed, until everything I wanted to document was recorded.

I pulled the memory card out of my camera a few nights ago to load them on the computer (please note, the memory card has been in our camera for the entire month of December).

It was empty (save 9 pictures -- the 9 that I most recently took).  EMPTY!

Problem solved.

Devastatingly solved.

1 comment:

Sudeana said...

SO sorry!! That stinks!