Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day

Yesterday was fun.

I love how my man and my kiddos work so hard to make my day special.

I love being able to honor our mothers.

Momma, thanks for all you are.  All you were when we were growing up.  All you mean to my kids.  I love you.

Mom, thanks for nurturing a little boy's heart and giving me a gracious man!  Thanks for loving our kids!  I love you.

To the birth mom of my kids:  I don't know what went through your mind on Mother's Day, but you were heavy on mine.  You are being prayed for.  I love your kids.

To the friends I get to mother alongside of:  I couldn't do this without you all!  I love you.

To the man who made me a mother:  Thanks for making each day special and for loving our kids like Christ loves us!  You are every dream I never dared to dream come true!  I love you.

To my five little ones:  You guys make each day a new adventure!  Being your mom is second only to being a wife to your daddy in my list of favorites!

I love you, Ella Grace!

I love you, Annabelle!

I love you, Katie!

I love you, K-man!

I love you, Peanut!

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