Friday, September 26, 2008


So...i hijacked the blog today for a very important reason. You see...every time I open it up I read the opening statement by MB, "This is my attempt at recording for my girls the parts of their childhood that deserve to be remembered!"

Well, this is your daddies attempt to record the attributes of one amazing lady so that years from now you can look back and remember the sacrifices your mamma made for you!

In the spirit of the Top 20 we go.

  1. She serves her family with passion and humility.
  2. She is the calendar queen. (She spent weeks searching the Internet for the best calendar to help keep us organized) Our family would be chaos without her.
  3. She plays a mean game of backgammon.
  4. She is the MacGyver of Crafts...If you have any doubt just refer to the hot wheels and paint post.
  5. She is a wife, mother, daughter, sister, business entrepreneur, group leader, housekeeper, chef, and supermodel...but above all she is a child of the king who recognizes that God has done it all and nothing she can do will make Him love her more or less.
  6. She recognizes and models Godly womanhood for her daughters.
  7. She disciplines her daughters with love, grace and consistency in an effort to cultivate heart change as opposed to behavior modification.
  8. She loves her husband unconditionally despite his innumerable faults.
  9. She can transform pieces of fabric and ribbon into beautiful works of art.
  10. She is sensitive to the Holy Spirit.
  11. Despite the craziness of the day, she can often be seen on the floor playing little people or reading books to her girls.
  12. She is forever a teacher and she has instilled in her girls a love for learning.
  13. She is willing to lug all the kids up to the school on Friday nights just so her girls can see daddy for a few minutes.
  14. She is purposeful about identifying and meeting the needs of other people.
  15. She is smokin' hot!
  16. She is a tireless learner. Books, blogs, name it. She wants to know more.
  17. She is passionate about being a stay at home mom and despises the question, "do you work or do you stay home?"
  18. She is the most unselfish person I have ever met. She gives of her time and energy from the moment she wakes up.
  19. She can feed the baby, make dinner, keep the kids occupied, and answer e-mails all at the same time.
  20. She earnestly desires that her girls will have a personal, intimate relationship with their heavenly father.

love you baby!


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